Monday, 14 July 2014

Where to buy foreign fruits and vegetables in Nigeria (Lagos) by Dobby's Signature


From time to time on the blog and on my BBM channel I get questions like where can I get kiwis from in Nigeria? Where can I get plums from in Nigeria? Where can I get papaya from in Nigeria?

It's often difficult to answer these questions as I do not live in Nigeria but I try to answer as much as I can by directing them to the popular shopping malls in Lagos such as Shoprite, which is perhaps the only shopping mall I know of Lol! 

I even had one of my many little sisters say " Sis your blog is not africa friendly as we can not get the fruits you use on your blog"  Lol! Now we can't have that I said to myself and this pushed me to do some research on where the foreign fruits are been sold in Nigeria. Now I know they exist but they come at exorbitant prices.

Whilst doing my research I came across a few details here and there but finally I hit jackpot when I came across Dobby's Signature blog

Dobby's signature is a Nigerian Food Blog focused on Showcasing Nigerian dishes,exploring traditional food recipes .

Dobby is  a culinary enthusiast with a flair for local cuisines in Nigeria and around the globe. Dobby confesses not to be a professional chef but my goodness I beg to differ and I am sure you will when you have  look at her posts.  Each time I visit her blog she has my tastebuds tingling and my tongue wagging. She is amazing!!

In her words, cooking is one of my major hobbies and I do it well (I concur).
Dobby is also a graphics designer and an illustrator and if you look at her blog you can tell as her passions are displayed across her blog.

Now back to the juicy contents on Dobby's blog which caught my eye for my readers.
Dobby had a post titled " Where to buy foreign fruits  and vegetables in Nigeria( Lagos) and this is the blogspot

Here are some pictures from  Dobby's blog on the fruits and vegetables sold from the below traders

Stall Owners :Alhaji Sanni & Alhaji Ibrahim

Courgette & Aubergine 

 Blackberries,Grapes,Beetroot & Broccoli

Lady B - Stall Owner

Click on the link to find out the location of the above traders and to view more pictures of the  other fruits sold

A big thank you to Dobby for letting me share this information with my readers.
Make sure you check out her blog for her different cuisines across the globe and lots more.

I hope you have found this post helpful.

BlogPost  & Photo Credit :

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