Thursday, 11 September 2014

Baby Corn with Vegetables

Happy Thursday!

One more day till the end of the week!!

Sometimes all I want to do is veg out on vegetables ..."Get it" ? haha!!

I am a 100% veggie lover and always incorporate vegetables in all my meals as you can probably tell.

Today I have a baby corn and vegetables recipe for you, very simple and delicious.
You can have this with rice or noodles or just eat it on it's own like I have done.


one pack of baby corn, cubed
onions, diced
yellow bell peppers,cubed
red bell peppers, cubed
orange bell peppers, cubed
1 tsp of cumin seeds
salt and black pepper to taste

BabyCorn, Bell peppers,Black Pepper Cumin Seeds, Courgettes, Onions, Tomatoes & Olive Oil


For The Vegetable Prep

dice the onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, courgettes and baby corn

My heart shaped chopping board : Chopped Onions, Bell Peppers & Tomato

 Chopped tomatoes, Courgettes and Baby Corn

For The Vegetable Stir Fry

add 1tbsp of olive oil into the wok and heat it and add cumin seeds, when cumin seeds crackle , add the baby corn and courgettes

Stir fry baby corn and vegetable together 

 stir for a few minutes until brown, then add the bell peppers and tomatoes
add salt and black peppers

For The Final Prep

Baby Corn and veggies

 Serve Hot


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